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Pittman Supply Company: A Legacy of Growth and Commitment

Scott Pittman’s father started Pittman Supply Company in 1981, marking the beginning of a significant journey. When his father suffered a stroke, Pittman, at just 32 years old, took charge of the business. Despite challenges, he successfully expanded operations. While the core of the business remains in Carrollton, Texas, Pittman recently opened a new branch, spanning 16,800 square feet on 2.1 acres and featuring a fenced-in concrete yard in Garland, Texas.

Advancing with the Entrepreneurial Operating System

Recently adopting the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), Pittman Supply intensifies its collaborative decision-making approach. The management team, led by Pittman alongside Chief Financial Officer Nick Smith, Operations Manager Mike Torkse, Sales Manager Garrett Watts and Purchasing Agent Nate Mowery, convenes regularly for Level 10 meetings. This structured framework not only enhances operational clarity but also fortifies the company’s unified vision.

“With EOS, we aimed to clearly define our business purpose and niche philosophies so that everyone in the company understood management’s perspective,” Pittman said. “What I thought, versus what others thought, often diverged; there were misconceptions about my aspirations. Spending 8 hours a day, five days a week on this was an eye-opener for me on multiple levels. It was surprising to go through the entire process and realize the disparities.”

As part of the EOS process, Pittman Supply created posters that are now prominently displayed throughout its warehouse and counters. “These posters serve two purposes: to communicate our commitment to customers, showcasing what we offer them and to outline our internal sales goals and core values,” Pittman said. “Our niche has always been in the multifamily segment, and we excel in it. It’s about being exceptional in what we do best.”

Embracing a Distinctive Company Culture

At Pittman Supply, integrity and service excellence underscore their operations. Specializing in the multi-family housing sector, they prioritize staying true to their niche. Core values resonate deeply, with a mantra of ‘doing the right thing,’ instilled by Pittman’s upbringing and central to their daily ethos.

“Out of our five core values, the biggest one is ‘do the right thing,’” Pittman said. “My mom and dad always said that to me, and I always say that at the office—act like your mom’s watching.”

Future Prospects and IMARK Engagement

Engaging actively with IMARK Plumbing, Pittman Supply maximizes vendor relationships and capitalizes on exclusive programs, bolstering their competitive edge.

Looking forward, Pittman eyes continued growth by leveraging IMARK’s extensive network and fostering new partnerships. “Ever since we joined IMARK, we quickly found out that we buy from a few vendors outside, but we do our utmost to keep it within the group,” Pittman said. “Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s in our best interest to buy from within the group. We strive to transition our business over as much as possible and attend all of the meetings.”

Strategic initiatives, like boosting internal margins and enhancing customer engagement through targeted marketing efforts, underscore the company’s commitment to sustained progress.

The reason Pittman Supply, a platinum IMARK Plumbing member, stays in and continues to network within the IMARK Group is the shared mentality and drive. “For example, Greg Brown from Hodges Supply—whether it’s about accounting styles, workman’s comp or beyond, I can call him anytime,” Pittman said. “It’s not just about business; we discuss advertising strategies, costs, and effectiveness across different platforms like TV and radio. Similarly, Steve Norton at M&M freely shares information. We all align with the same goal: to support and benefit the group.”

A Vision for Tomorrow

Looking ahead, Pittman plans to mentor the next generation of leaders while ensuring company continuity. With a third of the workforce under 35, he aims to advance these young professionals into key roles. “I see myself running the business day-to-day for another decade, and then we’ll evaluate,” Pittman remarked about the future of the company.

With a dynamic team steering its vision, Pittman Supply remains committed to customer service excellence and company growth.

“Our goal is to increase our margins each year by one percent,” Pittman said. “This effort is a concentrated one. The management team is actively pushing down ideas to ensure everyone understands. We’ve started a monthly employee newsletter where we include our sales figures and if we hit our gross-profit dollar amount for the month. We set a target of $2.1 million for the month and needed to achieve a certain profit to receive a bonus and get July 5 off with pay. This was meant to incentivize employees to reach their targets with the reward of paid time off. We had to be profitable to earn the extra day off. We did in fact reach our goal.”

In Conclusion

Pittman Supply’s journey epitomizes resilience and foresight, navigating challenges with innovation and a commitment to core values. As the company embarks on new ventures and strengthens its market position, Pittman continues to shape a thriving enterprise, poised for enduring success.